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Judges and Magistrates

The Society seeks to represent the views of BME members of the full and part time Judiciary and Magistracy. This ensures that holding Judicial office means you can still continue to enjoy the benefits of the organisation to represent your interests As senior members of the legal profession or a sitting as a lay or Stipendiary Magistrate you may still continue to practice alongside your Judicial office which means you can pass on that legal knowledge and skill to those entering the profession. The SBL seeks to provide a link between those aspiring to enter the profession and this who have attained Judicial office.

Judges, and Magistrates, whether full or part time, still require support and encouragement from time to time especially where we continue to be under represented on the bench at almost every level in England and Wales. Internationally, the SBL has links to sister organisations such as the National Bar Association (USA) with its well established Judicial College as well as The Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association (CMJA). SBL will be there to celebrate your success and provide support and advise if required. You are through SBL joining a global network of Jurists and lawyers. The purpose of having a diverse Judiciary and Magistracy is that we remain accessible to our various communities, with our feet on the ground, and able to dispense justice according to the law but with sensitivity and care with regard to all the communities that we serve.

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