Articles by Omar
Articles, Reports & Press Releases

Soni V GMC, High Court Judgment
CMJA News – The Newsletter Of The Commonwealth Magistrates’ And Judges’ Association – November 2015
SBL MPS Complaint African Migrant Hate Speech 21-04-2015
SBL AML Migrant …
Audio Recording Of Grenfell Tower Inquiry
Grenfell Tower Inquiery By Peter Herbert.
Areas of Law Concerning The Grenfell Tower Inquiry

Confidential Briefing Note In Relation To The Grenfell Tower Inquiry
Sailesh Mehta is a Barrister at Red Lion Chambers He is experienced in prosecuting and defining in serious fire and health …
Letter To Sir Martin Moore-Bick
Sir Martin Moore-Bick The Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand, London WC2A 1LL Via Email only to:;; 21 July 2017 Dear Sir Martin-Moore Bick, Thank you for your letter of 12 July 2017, in response to our letter of 9 July 2017. Since then, we have, inter alia, [...]BMELawyers4Grenfell Challenge Government On Choice Of Inquiry Panel

Letter To Judge Moore-Bick

BBC Audio Judicial System – Peter Herbert
BBC Audio On Judicial System By Peter Herbert
SBL & AML Mission
Dear Respected Guests,
This is a welcoming note of a unique nature. Having you among us is beyond an honor and a pleasure. With the times our country is facing, hosting …
UNHCR Lebanon