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SBL launches survey of ethnic minority solicitors

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The Society of Black Lawyers (SBL) has launched a survey among current and former solicitors within the black, Asian and minority ethnic community who have been (or are currently) the subject of an investigation and/or regulatory action by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), its predecessor, the Law Society’s Investigation & Enforcement Unit (IEU) or the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT).

The purpose of the survey is to:

  • Revisit and carry out a stock take of the impact of the regulatory process on BAME solicitors and their experience of dealing with the SRA.
  • Identify areas of continuing concern among BAME solicitors, with a view to devising strategies and services to address these; and
  • Explore how the SBL can develop and provide a robust representation service if this is required.

Peter Herbert OBE, SBL’s National Chair, commented:

“This survey is very timely and is being undertaken three years after the publication of Lord Herman Ouseley’s 2008 independent review into the disproportionate regulatory outcomes for black and minority ethnic solicitors. We would encourage as many solicitors as possible to take part in the survey”

The online survey can be accessed here: SRA Survey

The closing date for completion of the survey is Friday 28 October 2011.

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