Legal Futures: The National Law Careers Conference
In England, approximately 15,000 students each year are now being accepted by universities to study law as undergraduates. Amongst ethnic minority students, becoming a member of the legal profession continues to be one of the most popular career aspirations for those who study law at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. But the legal services landscape is changing rapidly.
In the last 2 years alone, five major reports have been published on the future of the Bar; access to and diversity within the legal profession; a review of pupillage training and the impact of introduction of Alternative Business Structures (ABS). These reports have serious implications for ethnic minority law students who are not, as yet, engaged in these debates.
LEGAL FUTURES is the national law careers conference for ethnic minority students to network with each other, share experiences and highlight the challenges as well as the opportunities that exist for those seeking to pursue a career in law. The firstLEGAL FUTURES conference took place at Birkbeck College, University of London on 6 November 2010.
LEGAL FUTURES is part of a wider strategy to provide students with:
- An opportunity to engage with key decision-makers and leaders within the legal profession;
- The information and strategic advice that they need in order to make informed career choices and decisions that will enable them to achieve their goals and aspirations;
- A platform and collective voice to highlight and develop strategies to address the specific challenges that they may face in accessing the legal profession;
- A forum to keep abreast of and respond to key developments within the legal profession and the legal education and training sector; and
- Opportunities to network, be inspired, demonstrate leadership and expand their horizons.
Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom